Tuesday, August 12, 2008

does anyone else...

... hate the grocery store? Grab a cart, start up and down the aisle. Take something off the shelf, put it in the cart. Fill the cart. Wait to check out... take the stuff out of the cart and onto a moving shelf... take it off the moving shelf, put it in a bag.. and back in the cart. Take it out of the cart and put it in your car (or the bus or the subway or a taxi)... take it out of the car and into your home... take it out of the bag and put it.... yep you guessed it BACK ON THE SHELF. There has to be a better way to do that!

i've finished one pair of booties and am about 2/3 done with the second pair (one bootie done and one 1/2 way - is that 2/3?). If i have it in me i will use up the rest of the Lorna's Laces and make each baby a cap as well. If i don't , they get booties... nuff said.

I will finish my soldier socks this week and then start another pair.

I finally re-installed my Photoshop Elements 6. Having never worked with it, the entire book that i am using seems to have been written in swahili... just swahili... take my word for it. I'd much rather be creating than learning but i promise to stick with it. I got a moderator's choice award in an icon contest over on Richard Stills over at Live Journal. It was very sweet of them to consider my poor little icons...LOL

i will take my knitting self out of the loop until ifinish these two small projects... Please that i finish them today.

quote of the day: "well you shouldn't (love me). Because i do not like you, and never have."


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