Winter into Spring into Winter

I've been transported back into winter here with 28F temps at almost noon. Funny how i thought i didn't want it to be spring last week... funny how today i think i do!
knitting has been sporadic but done none the less. i made the booties my OH requested for the new baby that graced his family with her presence. One last bootie to finish (3 pair ought to be enough, dontcha think?) - the last pair is in black regia silk with one strap to make them look like Mary Janes. I hope to find white pearl buttons for them. I picc'd the other two pair - white are fortissima Cotton (its discontinued) with old buttons from the baby's grandmother's old button box... and the Pink are B

the SFS challenge of an inch a day I am keeping. I will admit that some days it is half an inch on each sock to make one inch, but it is an inch and i am doing it. these are not hard on the eyes as they are a color and not black - but will have to be dyed at the end of the day.
the local knitting group i belong to on line sent this link today for an entire page of free sock patterns . I think there are some cute ones.
i don't ever post music links here - but here is a song - somewhere- by a group named within temptation - that i have been listening to lately. their videos are a little "out there" but i love her voice. That and Kathleen Fisher... I will love you and another one of hers is Too Late... if you are having a happy and peppy day, maybe these will not be the first things you would like to listen to... but they are haunting.... and i love the simplicity of the want happy and peppy? go to I tunes and look i am sure you will find something..