Tuesday, February 05, 2008

but i need to know...

found a new musician to be interested in ... remember i am old so if they are not new and i am behind, be kind...Fisher ....til the storms fill my eyes and we touch the last time - i will love you... what draws someone to music - lyrics... melody... combo platter? who knows.

i've finished my second pair of ridged feathers in Netherfield. I won't link the yarn again, as i am sure you are sick of seeing it... i have a rotation now of BBS and a pair of Knitivity red and black yarn socks for me. have not photog'ed but will - am doing them in ridged feather too as i love the way the pattern works with self-striping yarn. it remains a pattern and doesn't die in the dye...

BBS are as BBS do... they are big black (or in this case a different color that will be dyed) socks... i've started the ribbing in 2x2 this time - it is a better pattern for me to follow blindly.

as to the rest - the birds are confused - it is 48F today - and who knows what next week will bring... the cardies are definitely home in my yard somewhere... would that i could get a good snap...


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