Monday, September 19, 2011

time is not your own...

i took it for granted when i had it, but now that the parental unit requires a lot more of it, i feel the pinch of time not being my own. I remember this feeling from having little ones - that by the time you sit down at the end of the day you are too tired to enjoy any part of anything but sitting.... this is different ... the fatigue is as much mental as physical, but it is fatiguing never the less....

i promised photos here... and never did them... i have not even really been knitting much - trying to finish a thank you gift of a scarf and i want to throw it out the window... and on top of all this kvetching... it's september - the month i so wish didn't exist anymore....

okay... bootstrap time - quitcherbitchin'... lol i will go and look for photos anon and post them...

spain and france seem a myriad of time away. but it was lovely there... and i had lunch on a small wharf of chorizo and cheese, baguette and ... nope not wine - Coca Cola Light (diet coke in that part of the world).... it was a bucket list moment and i will savor it always.


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