Thursday, November 20, 2008

8... no maybe 3 days a week...

So back i am --- and missed a day or two.. rl aka real life does have a tendency to get the in way.. who knew?

So it's wednesday and i've been forced to watch holiday commercials this week.  you all know the ones i mean... with the touching music and the cute/adorable/beautiful/pensive people in them.... can i lobby for a channel that won't show them, please?  thank you - i will carry on now (haven't i just been?)

knitting content.. knitting some fingerless gloves for myself as i have been unreasonably cold of late.  started them yesterday, finished one - will finish the other today.  Then.. the next and definitely thing will be to finish the soldier socks and get them on their way.  this is ridiculous now, they should not be lingering this long.  

other content?  nah... dinna think so laddie..

and a quote....hmmm... in honor of the 4th anniversary...

"i don't wish to possess you - i wish to marry you because i love you..."


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