art and artistry...
i am constantly in awe of art and artistic people. .. and might be considered jealous in a totally non-confrontational way.. lol...
it is a wonderful turn of life that people can be butchers and bakers and candlestick makers and one day pick up a camera and find a new way to express themselves. The internet is a fantastic melting pot of these creative jewels.. in addition to the traditional crafting versions of creativity we can add such internet specifics as graphics and video to enjoy. People who might not ever even be exposed to Photoshop have delved in to see what they can do to make an icon or a signature.. an avatar or a wallpaper.. the communities of Youtube and LiveJournal are brimming with the work of amateurs and professionals alike.
i am fortunate to be associated with some extremely talented people in this regard. I've posted links to their work before. Standout videographer heathRA (aka heathdances) or spikesbint on youtube ( i've many times mentioned and linked to heather's videos - but if you missed - watch This Woman's Work or her Fix You.. and check out Spikesbint's Romantic Moments)- and graphics by kiteflier on livejournal (i am not sure you will be able to click through, but i have linked them none-the-less). I know that some day we will see these editing talents on the big screen.. or on the 62" "little" screen at home.. just know it..
These people have become friends and mentors in some of the fledgeling steps i take.
I've posted before about the knitting community links i enjoy - those people who design and create from string - Tangled, and A Few Stitches Short... are located in the bar on the right.. as is BrooklynTweed and there are more .. they almost need their own post....
What waxes me poetic today? I received a custom order of a necklace from a young woman who has recently begun designing jewelry... and stumbled across what may be her calling quite by accident.. love the creativity.. love the creation.. a couple of photos for you to come to your own conclusion. The beads compliment each other perfectly in real life.. in photography colors bend and don't always look the same.. the designer/jeweler is Eight & Twenty Bead Co. - she is on etsy but as i said just getting started so there is not a major presence there.. if i can link to the facebook page i will but i think, again, you need to be signed in to fb to see ..