Monday, May 19, 2014

Afraid for the loss of the blog

Since i don't seem to post any longer, i thought perhaps a two year plus absence might make for them cancelling this blog - thankfully no - not that it seems i will reinstate writing soon - but perhaps... perhaps..

someone said today "mention on your blog" and i thought - oh... i had one of those once..

Since all the time that's passed, our family has grown by one - a little lad with a long long name - and his great grandfather has declined and needed more and more attention, so i don't get here hardly at all - perhaps i will try to make it a weekly thing - i've gotten on a schedule with other parts of my life, perhaps this will be one too.

This page for posting has been streamlined - maybe it will be easier in future - i will try is all i can say.

in the meantime - i will mention the link on this blog - as i said i would.

and i will go about finding some pictures to post here - of things made, and given away, and made and given away. (sorry the first is skewed - can't figure out how to right it - it is right on my screen!)

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

...doesn't live here anymore...

....those few gallant souls who used to follow me have probably long since given up the ghost on this oh, so quiet blog...sorry not to be very verbal these days... my days have become less in front of the screen, which i think is a contributing factor.... one of them anyway...

i do still knit. every day in fact. I work my 20 minutes on a sock for a soldier - am waiting for some 'legs' right now to start a new pair - and i knit for little people mostly. I knit a BROBEE hat for the most important little miss in my life. Brobee is a character from a Nick Jr. show called YO Gabba Gabba. My friend the florist saw the hat and said it looked like a Muppet trapped in Chernobyl... sorry if that is not politically correct - because it is visually so...i will search out a picture of the hat - with or without the wearer and post it (if i can remember how to post photos

found a pic - posting now - and will post this blog as is to prove reports of my demise are greatly exaggerated

Sunday, February 26, 2012

what the....

I have not been on much of late because i am still getting used to the new idiosyncrasies of blog here now that it has been changed..... working on it folks... really i am...

Sunday, January 01, 2012

and so it ends... and begins again...

the video is the vehicle... it's the words... not to worry - we won't forget - you were here....

Saturday, December 24, 2011

it's the most wonderful time of the year...

.... or so i've been told.... there are packages to wrap and cookies to bake and cards to fill out and address - there are people to call and people to see and people to maybe catch a cold from - there are carols to sing and church pews to fill and wonder to feel....

 and just the day after tomorrow,

yes tomorrow, we will have survived all of the above with verve and can look forward to out with the old and in with the new... in just a week from the most wonderful time of the year...

if it's so wonderful.... um... why is it at the very end of the year?

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

twelve fourteen

without it.. there wouldn't have been...

so today ... will always.. be a good day...


Tuesday, December 06, 2011

T is for Turkey and Two... S is for

skating! i bet you thought i was going to say Santa - but that is yet to come

Thanksgiving weekend was a birthday weekend for the little miss, who is now officially 2! The other milestone was the first foray into the sport with skates and ice - lol - she's been walking around the house in double-runners for weeks now - and was not much of a fan of ice to start - but once she figured out that daddy wouldn't let her fall - the buzzword of the day was .. "MORE?"

there was also the third in the wedding trilogy - but those are photos for another day...