Tuesday, June 22, 2010

time is unrecoupable

... watched the finale of the tudors last night. Henry VIII tyrant and wifekiller extraordinaire, uttered those words.. Who knew he would have a brain at the end of the day?

because time is unrecoupable. You can't go back, not even for a minute. You can't make that phone call you said you would but didn't. You can't zig instead of zag; you can't get time to say the missed 'i love you' back. Superman, apparently , cannot fly backwards super fast and make time go backwards.

but.. i wish... he could....'

and ...on to life...

my soldier socks are in the mail.. do not applaud they should have been two weeks ago. lol however.. if you want to vote for SFS in the Chase Community Giving awards (it does NOT cost you a donation) please scroll down or (if i can find the link dooeywhacker) click the link ...

i have a pair of legs ordered so i will be able to do another pair soon. only enough yarn for one more pair before i have to order more.. sooooooo...

i have started a pair of socks for private giving while waiting. there are a couple of pics of the first one done on flickr - if i can figure out how to post them ihere i will


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