Monday, December 29, 2008


i finally understand what they are saying! I can post a link and change the html so it opens in a new window or tab or whatever YOU have it set up to open. I am soooooo excited.  

no.. you don't understand - I REALLY AM!!!!

Sunday, December 28, 2008

and now for the newsbreak...

...or apparently not... but i am back on my own so a break is in order.  Christmas has come and gone and Boxing Day with it.  I didn't box that i know of - we played billiards on boxing day... and the troops have returned to their respective domeciles - so we are off to do what we do best... exist and argue as we
... gifting content... the gifts we gave were well received and now i believe i can share the photos - which i will if i can find where i hid them on the computer...hahah..

in order.. the handfast mittens... the new wool wrap ... the sushi bag...

...knitting content.. i've moved far forward with another pair of soldier socks.. i am on the round and rounds - heels, heelcups, gussets done on both.  i will be finished with these early in the week if dedicate myself to the last of them.  Well done for shared legs and feet.  So very well done! content ... not much new here as i have not been on computer over the past week except for snitches and snutches... so i've not much to report - i have two lovely fan videos to share... one is a Lucas North and one is simply RA... here is Fix You, by Heathdances/Heathra and RAdar by Spikesbint for your viewing pleasure... don't miss them if you like our man Flint...
if Spooks/MI5 in general is your cuppa, view this one, which is violent in some parts, but tells the story admirably of the main actors in the various series.....

...the spouse and i did not exchange... so i have nothing to report from that quarter... but from the kids I got a lovely heather/scottish silver pin/brooch (don't laugh i am a pin girl) and a Santa from Deutschland for my collection - it was so thoughtful that they brought me a Santa from their travels... and a lovely "woolen" heart from scotland for the tree as well.   Will i photograph them? you betcha.. when?  who knows?   

i don't do resolutions.. don't ask me...

Saturday, December 27, 2008

a little late but...

Monday, December 22, 2008

The weater outside WAS frightful..

...woh what a mess.  Yes, it's December... in the Northern hemisphere... it's supposed to be messy... but all i have to say is.... SHEESH... mess on friday... i had a hockey game to get to (front row, do you THINK we are not going to even try??) ... mess on sunday.. i had a play to get to (okay a musical but let's be reasonable here you wouldn't want to not try!!)... and i got to both.  roads were deceiving but messy... traffic was deceiving and messy... but sat my ample behind in my seat in both cases in plenty of time.  
There is no way to describe how amazing it was to sit in the front row at a hockey game - to rest your feet against the boards - to have them come crunching back at you as people crash into it.. to watch a goal go in under a goalie's feet without so much as a long lens on your camera... woh it was superb.  The boys played the Ottowa Senators... some good players to watch.  But the boys prevailed 5 to 1... 

the view from below

the view from in front of me...
sunday was NYC and Patti Lupone in Gypsy.
..with a little supper in the "shop" next door...snow and sleet and freezing rain.. or was that just freezing at the end of the day...

I have miles to go before i can sleep, but it was fun whilst it lasted....

not a whit of knitting content here - because i knit only socks for soldiers right now to try to keep my hands moving at night.  otherwise things have halted....

and is there a quote?  well there could be... or a paraphrase of one....

be kind to one another.... SHINE!

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Fa lah lah la lah lah ...

i am on the outs with christmas this year. i've done stuff.. i've made stuff... i've mailed cards and letters... and right now.. i am not christmassy... i want to be... and yesterday when i was out buying what seems to be the only things i have actually physically gone into a store for .. i was sorta kinda in the mood... started to snow... thought of "Same auld lang syne"  and even hummed it a bit... and the snow turned into rain....

there was a new message from Agent A over on all the fan sites... it was a bit of a giggle and so nice to be remembered... 

... to be remembered... yes.. he was... a couple of tributes.. they always make me cry... but cry because i know he is not forgotten in other hearts... i know he isn't, in mine... but sometimes  it is nice to know others hold a piece of him too...

so it snowed yesterday.  it's supposed to snow tonite.  it's supposed to snow friday.. will it stay the week?  i don't really know for sure.  but the new little lights work.. and they are colored this time.. yes.. they are...

as for a quote...we have not done that in a few...

if i were you, i'd keep a geiger counter around, because they are gonna light you up like Litvenyenko for making them look stupid....

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Thought i saw you today..... i woke up wondering what was real - is it what you see and touch or what you feel.. i heard you in a strangers laugh, and i hung around to hear him laugh again.. just once're still here.
Somehere... whereever you are... i won't stop searching... wherever it takes me to go.. one thing's for certain - you're always in my heart....

....You will always be a part of me.. i'm part of you indefinitely... you'll always be my baby..

without today  i wouldn't have even had the 20 minutes.. so blessed always by today...yeah.. always... .

Monday, December 08, 2008

So It's Monday again

... and i have legs again ... but i got some definite christmas knitting done while i didn't ... lol... and i won't mention any of it here... but i have taken photos... and they will appear when i am sure the gifts are received.

as for the rest - little trees are done.. and placed where they should be.. along with grave blankets done and dusted so to speak.  

song?  go and listen to sarah maclachan's River christmas album.. any of it.. any of it any of it.... what you don't believe me???  Wintersong or River or Song for a December Evening - thanks youtube you've struck again!

Wednesday, December 03, 2008

in betweens

in between finished with a pair of soldier socks and new legs coming in the mail, i've finished two christmas gifts...

in between spaces and time, i am relelgated more and more to the office... 

in between songs about the holidays, i have fallen in love with I Just Love You by Five for Fighting...

in between weeks of Spooks, I have been watching The Story of Costume Drama.  It is pretty good so far, but tomorrow is Affairs of the Heart - and North and South .. and an actor named Richard ... you might have heard of him.... 

a quote... a quote:  

so what are you better at - the real thing or faking it?