here a stitch... there a stitch...
everywhere a stitch, stitch...

more music today - Deliver Me, by the Dave Crowder Band - someone posted it today on FB and i was immediately in like with it. When you hear the words you feel spill out of someone else's voice, you know you are not alone with the things you face....
today's quote .... hmmmmmmmmmm....
I daren't hope a woman like that would care for me. No one loves me, no one but you...
Having a bit of "how small are these stitches??" today with the soldier socks (in order to obtain gauge in my loosy goosy way of knitting, i need to use 00 needles on the heels and toes of socks.. and the rest of the sock is usually on a 0 (at the most a small 1) - so i took a quick break and started a pair of mittens for ... well maybe even for myself.
knitting a pair of Woodruff mittens by brooklyn tweed (jared flood)in a merino wool i bought in bulk on a trip to School Products. Dark Grey merino... tweedy. I had to learn, however, how to enlarge a chart on a pdf.. and it was not easy. I think it might be a good idea to supply a link for a bigger copy of intricate charts one can purchase as pdf's .. for old eyes that cannot read the small print.. LOL

more music today - Deliver Me, by the Dave Crowder Band - someone posted it today on FB and i was immediately in like with it. When you hear the words you feel spill out of someone else's voice, you know you are not alone with the things you face....
today's quote .... hmmmmmmmmmm....
I daren't hope a woman like that would care for me. No one loves me, no one but you...
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