Wednesday, November 04, 2009

since last we spoke...

...i have not been at all idle... we've attended a baby shower, given a baby shower, traveled to the sunshine state, returned, and have spent one entire week with various and sundry repair people...

tonite.. well tonite is the return of Spooks/MI5... Harry is MIA and Ros and Lucas (ummm we all know who plays lucas yes?) must work beneath the radar to find him in time. it is about to start UK time.. of course i have always depended on the kindness of strangers..... wink wink nudge nudge...

there was a cute little interview with the grid employees up on youtube today - the link you can find here - unless of course they have removed it already.. there are also two previews that you can find here and here.. lol

okay okay i will upload a picture of Mr. Armitage.. aka Mr. Lucas North...

okay.. you want a quote don't you.....

James Bond? Who's James Bond?


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